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Resource: Kits (K1004=) Committed to Christ: Six Steps to a Generous Life     
Author: Bob Crossman
Publisher: Abingdon Press
Vendor: Cokesbury
Subjects: choices; Christian Living; Community; Congregational Development; Faith; small group; Spirituality; Stewardship/Money, Time, Talents; Sunday School; United Methodist Membership; Worship
Description: This kit is a 6-week Stewardship program that presents giving as a life-long journey in Christian discipleship. After the introductory Sunday service stressing the importance of commitment to Christ, the next 6 weeks are spent exploring these steps to generosity: Prayer, Bible-reading, Worship, Witness, Financial Giving and Service. With each step through woship, sermons and small group activities, congregants consider prayerfully their commitment level and their ability to increase that level by one step at a time.

The kit contains a program guide CD-ROM, Adult Reading/Study Book, Small Group Leader Guide, Devotional book with 40 devotions for a generous life, a preview book, CD-ROM with tweets, posts, and prayers for social media, and a DVD with worship loops and lead-ins.

Stewardship stories by: Ed Stetzer, Olu Brown, Scott J. Jones, James W. Moore, Rick Bezet, Bob Pierson, J. Clif Christopher and Minerva G. Carcano. Author, Bob Crossman, has more than 35 years in pastoral ministry serving churches from 13-3,000 members. He is the recipient of the Denman Evangelism Award, holds a doctorate from SMU and is the Director of the New Church Leadership Institute for the Arkansas Conference of the UMC. As a strategist with Horizons Stewardship he conducts workshops around the country.
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

Resources in this series:

  • (K1004) Committed to Christ: 40 Devotions for a Generous Life
  • (K1005) Committed to Christ Worship DVD & CD-ROM
  • (K1006) Committed to Christ Program Guide & CD-ROM
  • (K1007) Committed to Christ Adult Reading/Study Book
  • (K1008) Committed to Christ Small Group Leader Guide
  • (K1009) Committed to Christ Preview Booklet

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