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Resource: DVD (D2016) re:form Traditions (Methodist)     
Series: (D2013=) re:form
Author: Sparkhouse
Publisher: Augsburg, 2011
Vendor: Augsburg
Length: 5 mins
Subjects: Bible Study; Confirmation; Faith; Sunday School; teens; United Methodism/History, Membership; Wesley, Charles; Wesley, John; Youth Group; Youth--Sunday Class
# Copies: 4
ISBN/ISSN: 9781451402025
Description: This portion of the re:form series deals with the Wesleyan Traditions of how the Methodist Church started and what Wesleyans believe. Useful as a Confirmation curricula this is also a great Methodist supplement to the other re:form curricula. Using the Encounter, Engage, Respond model this curricula uses short DVD lessons and activities from the student "anti-woribook" to cover important topics about Methodism in a manner that youth will relate to, learn from, and be able to share with others.

Topics and their goals are listed below:
Did the Methodist church really start because of some holier-than-thou teenagers? Purpose is to investigate the challenges the Wesleys faced and encourage kids today to change the church and the world.

What the heck is prevenient grace and do I have to learn geometry to be a Methodist? Purpose is to discover the Wesleyan Quadrilateral (Bible,Tradition, Reason, Experience) and how it relates to understanding God's love and grace in our lives.

If a Methodist sings out of tune, does that mean they're not perfect? Purpose is to wrestle to understand perfection in a new and way and to discover how faith takes practice.

What actually happens when Methodists are on a mission? Purpose is to explore how Methodists are changing the world and imagine ways to can live lives of radical faith today.
Age Groups: Middle School; High School

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