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Resource: DVD (D2002) Embracing Emergence Christianity     
Author: Phyllis Tickle
Publisher: Morehouse Education Resources, 2011
Vendor: Cokesbury
Length: 90 mins
Subjects: Christian Living; Faith Questions; Faith Sharing; New Forms of Worship; small group; Spirituality
# Copies: 2
ISBN/ISSN: 9781606740729
Description: Phyllis Tickle, founding editor of Publisher's Weekly Religion Department, invites us to join in examining the changing face of Christianity and Culture. By looking at 2,000 years of Western history and identifying the major upheavals that have occurred, Phyllis notes that major changes occur about every 500 years. The last was the "Great Reformation" and the next one is presently emerging. There are spiritual and cultural implications to these changes. What are the main issues that need to be addressed? What path is the future going to take? The six sessions in this DVD and in the participant workbook will help you work through discussions of emerging Christianity. The sub-title of the DVD is "Phyllis Tickle on the Church's next rummage sale" which is an apt metaphor since such sales give us the chance to discard junk and also find those things that are our precious treasures.

Titles of the sessions include:
Emergence 101
Where Now is our Authority
The 20th Century and Emergence
Gifts From Other Times
How Then Shall We Live
Hallmarks of Emergence
Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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