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Resource: DVD (D4286) Broken Limbs: Apples, Agriculture & the New American Farmer     
Author: Jamie Howell & Guy Evans
Publisher: Bullfrog Films, 2004
Vendor: Bullfrog Films
Length: 57 mins
Subjects: choices; Community; Discussion Starter; environment; Hispanic Resources; Stewardship/Earth; Young Adult
# Copies: 1
Description: Apple farming is big business in Eastern Washington. Some people say that Washington apples are the best in the world and the fertile Washington state orchards that produce them are like the Garden of Eden; yet others say the future looks grim in the "The Apple Capital of the World". Filmmaker, Guy Evans, sets out on a journey to discover why his own father is losing his livlihood as an apple grower and why his father's situation is not unique. Apple growers by the thousands are going out of business, so what went wrong? This is an excellent documentary for anyone concerned about caring for creation, living a sustainable lifestyle, the purity of the food chain, and practicing a God-centered view of stewardship. Ron Kriesel of Oak Grove UMC in Oregon says "very interesting subject, informative, can make for a good discussion group." Also note that viewer and teacher guides are available on the DVD.
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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