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Resource: DVD (D4841) NOOMA: Shells     
Series: (D4180=) NOOMA
Author: Rob Bell
Publisher: Zondervan, 2008
Vendor: EucFilm
Length: 12 mins
Subjects: choices; Christian Living; English/Hispanic; Faith; Spirituality; Young Adult; Youth Group
# Copies: 4
Description: Theme: Are we missing out on something great? We’re doing so many things, a little bit of everything, and yet it doesn’t feel like much of a life. But most of us find it hard to say no. We feel obligated. There are so many good things to do. So many good causes to join. But while we’re busy doing all these good things, are we missing out on something great? Maybe saying no would be easier if we knew what it meant to say yes.

Language sub-titles include: English, French, German, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, Dutch, Italian, Japanese, and Russian.
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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