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Resource: DVD (D4188) NOOMA: Sunday     
Series: (D4180=) NOOMA
Author: Rob Bell
Publisher: Zondervan, 2003
Vendor: EucFilm
Length: 12 mins
Subjects: Christian Living; English/Hispanic; Faith; Spirituality; Young Adult; Youth Group
# Copies: 3
Description: Theme: Why do we attend church, tithe or give our time? Explore what faith, church, being a faithful follower of Jesus mean in today's world. Statistics show fewer and fewer people attend church. Is it possible to be interested in the Christian faith but not in Christianity? What is God's view of religion? Is what we do on Sunday in church for show or is it real?

Language sub-titles include: English, French, German, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish.
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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