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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: Video (V3920=) Pre-Easter Jesus, The     
Author: Marcus Borg
Publisher: EcuFilm, 1997
Vendor: EcuFilm
Length: 30 Mins
Subjects: Bible Study: NT; Lent/Adults
Description: Marcus Borg's sketch of Jesus is drawn with five broad strokes, each of which identifies a central characteristic of Jesus that corresponds to a type of religious figure known in many cultures: the ecstatic, the healer, the wisdom teacher, the prophet, and the movement initiator. Each session is approximately 35 minutes.
Age Groups: None specified.

Resources in this series:

  • (V3920) Pre-Easter Jesus, The, Tape I: Sessions 1-2
  • (V3921) Pre-Easter Jesus, The, Tape II: Sessions 3-4

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