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Resource: Book (B4594) The Silent Transformation     
Author: Schalk, Christoph
Publisher: Church Smart Resources, 2006
Length: 149 pages
Subjects: Evangelism
Location: evangelsim
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9781889638577
Description: "….There is a power, a force in nature that unleashes the life dynamic in seeds so they grow. The farmer must do his work to plant the seeds but then God does a mysterious work to cause the growth. It is an amazing partnership….Churches around the world are discovering the power of this "all-by-itself" principle as they apply the principles of Natural Church Development…Read the eighty stories in this book and you too will learn and experience a silent transformation in your congregation. (from the back of the book)
Materials: CD-Rom
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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