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Resource: DVD (DVD408) The American Protestant Experience: A Free Market for Faith     
Publisher: Select Learning, 2016
Length: 220 mins
Subjects: Education
Location: DVD shelf
# Copies: 1
Description: "This series documents the eternal argument about the relationship between the church and civil authority. The country's founders, seeing the intolerance of the early immigrants, wisely sought to create a republic where faith could be practiced freely biut where a theocracy would be avoided." DVD cover
2 disk set
Session One: Setting the Stage
Session Two: Escaping and Practicing Intolerance
Session Three: Faith-- A Matter of Choice
Session Four: America -- A Christian Nation?
Session Five: A Stirring of the Soul
Session Six: The Great Moral Questions
Session Seven: The Marketplace Expands
Session Eight: The Response to Change
Session Nine: Muddier Waters
Session Ten: Boom and Bust
Materials: CD-ROM Study guide
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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