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Resource: DVD (DVD403) Romans: Living Faithfully     
Author: Taylor, Walter F., Jr.
Publisher: Select Multimedia Resources, 2008
Subjects: Education; Theology
Location: DVD shelf
# Copies: 1
Description: "This twelve-session course explores the great themes from Romans through study of specific passages. The person who completes the course will gain a solid overall understanding of the flow of this important letter. The participant will also gain insight into what Paul meant by the bad news of human sin and the good news of justification -- how God makes humanity right with God, others, and ourselves, Much of the course is devoted to living faithfully as followers iof Jesus, with the focus on faith, baptism, transformed lives, Chrisian community, and the role of women in the early church. Summary sessions explore even mpre remarkable passages from Romans but also enables the participants to interact with the text of the epistle, the presentations on the DVD, and other class members." -DVD cover
3 DVDs plus study guide on DVD
Materials: Participant's Guide
Age Groups: Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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