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Resource: Curriculum (CR855) Augsburg Adult Bible Studies: Sovereignty of God Participant     
Author: Bouzard, Walter C.
Publisher: Augsburg Fortress, 2016
Length: 96 pages
Subjects: Education
Location: lower shelf-straight ahead
# Copies: 1
Description: September, October, November 2016. Whether we consider the worldwide economy, the environment, or our personal security, the news of our day seems characterized by chaos rather than order. Is there anyone in charge? The Bible's answer to that question, of course, is yes. We believe in God, who remains sovereign "nevertheless". This study invites us to explore some images of the sovereignty of God, so that we might be reminded how to live in courage, hope, and expectation.
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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