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Resource: Book (B3060) Lutheran Voices: The Word of the Cross in a World of Glory     
Series: (B1556=) Lutheran Voices series
Author: Ruge-Jones, Phil
Publisher: Augsburg Fortress, 2008
Length: 96 pages
Subjects: Theology
Location: Lutheran Voices shelf
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9780806680057
Description: "Philip Ruge-Jones tells stories that are painful, frightening, and true. Some stories come from voices in the Bible and some from voices around the world, but all come from voices around us wherever we live. The word of the cross argues that God meets us not in our dreams of vengeance but in the reality of our brokenness. In a world that seems to imagine that Christ came to make us angry, Ruge-Jones tells stories that make it clear that Christ came to make us alive. There is a difference, and the difference matters." from the review by Richard W. Swanson, Professor of Religion Philosophy Classics, Augustana College, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Director of Provoking the Gospel Storytelling Project.
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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