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Resource: Book (B2831) The Crying for a Vision     
Author: Wangerin, Jr., Walter
Publisher: Aladdin Paperbacks, 1996
Length: 314 pages
Subjects: Personal Growth
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9780689806506
Description: Moves Walking - Waskn Mani - is an unusual boy. To the amazement of this fellow Lakota tribesmen, he does not hunt or fight. Instead he stitches clothes, supple and warm - and the beauty of his quillwork has never before been seen. So when Moves Walking challenges Fire Thunder, the fiercest of all warriors, nobody can understand why or how he would dare. Fire Thunder's thirst for battle has made him a living legend - revered by his people and feared by his enemies. He is going to lead the Lakota to victory over everything and everyone, and no boy is going to stop him. But Moves Walking knows the truth about Fire Thunder's path to glory. He knows it will lead to the destruction of his people as well as their enemies. But Moves Walking also knows that to bring the Lakota back to life and hope, he will have to make the greatest sacrifice of all.
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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