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Resource: Book (B1728) Cloth for the Cradle     
Publisher: GIA Publications, 2000
Vendor: Iona Community
Length: 152 pages
Subjects: Worship
Location: Advent/Christmas shelf
# Copies: 1
Description: Worship resources and readings for Advent, Christmas & Epiphany. Cloth for the Cradle is a "book of bits", containing a wealth of different types of worship resources: litanies, meditations, monologues, poems, prayers, readings, scripts, and symbolic actions. Its prime purpose is to allow the adult world to rediscover the stories of Christ's birth as speaking from and to adult experience, rather than merely gaze from a distance of children re-enacting the Nativity. Drawn from the work of the Wild Goose Worship Group, whose innovative and highly participative style of worship is widely admired and imitated, Cloth for the Cradle's range and diversity offers a unique source of elements for lay and clergy worship planners and enablers. All of the material has been used in celebrations and services of public worship, but little has been previously published. The Wild Goose Worship group (four of whose members, known as the Wild Goose Resource Group, are employed full-time in worship resourcing throughout Britain and abroad) is an expression of the Iona Community's commitment to the renewal of public worship. Their songs and liturgical materials are frequently broadcast on radio and television.
Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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