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Resource: Book (B1505) Pastor and People - Making Mutual Ministry Work     
Publisher: Augsburg Fortress, 2003
Length: 128 pages
Subjects: Administration
Location: main room
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9780806646510
Description: The relationship between pastor and people undergirds every aspect of the life and ministry of your congregation. In this book, eight writers offer insights on aspects of this relationship. "Pastor and People: Making Mutual Ministry Work" is a guide for those who tend the relationship between pastor and people, such as pastors, councils, and committees focused on mutual ministry, parish relations, personnel issues, and finances. The reproducible tools included in the book can be downloaded at "Every congregation will want to own the Congregational Leader Series...This excellent, landmark series will help congregations, congregational leaders, and pastors collaborate in moving forward in mission." from a review by Irene Flynn, director, ELCA Florida-Bahamas Synod Resource Center.
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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