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Resource: Curriculum (CR228) God is Faithful Leader's Guide: Kerygma     
Series: (CR228=) God is Faithful Leader's Guide: Kerygma
Author: Nagel, Myra B./Greeves, Trish Towle
Publisher: The Kerygma Program, 2000
Length: 78 pages
Subjects: Education; Men; Personal Growth; Women
# Copies: 1
Description: Kerygma Program: Great Themes of the Bible. If you have used the study "God Saves A People", you are familiar with a unique and valuable feature of our study method: We follow a biblical theme through the Bible, noting how the theme recurs. Here, in "God Is Faithful", we go back into Genesis and start through the Bible again!...We begin with the background of the Egypt deliverance, which takes us back to Abraham. "Covenant" will be a key word. A good, thorough Bible study.
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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