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Resource: Curriculum (CR226) God Saves A People Leader's Guide: Kerygma     
Series: (CR226=) God Saves A People: Kerygma
Author: Nagel, Myra B./Greeves, Trish Towle
Publisher: The Kerygma Program, 2000
Length: 92 pages
Subjects: Education; Men; Personal Growth; Women
# Copies: 1
Description: Kerygma Program: Great Themes of the Bible. This theme is very close to the heart of the biblical message insofar as the Bible can be said to have one message. We shall quickly discover that the exodus deliverance is a key topic throughout the Old Testament, and the deliverance effected by Jesus Christ is certainly what the New Testament is all about...If you have a Jewish friend, you will profit from asking him or her about the place and experience of Passover in the Jewish year. During your group time try to keep the focus on the significance of the exodus event in the faith formation of the Israelite people. Excellent study!
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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