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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: Book (262.5137 Gon) Proclamation of the Gospel for the Salvation of Humankind     
Series: (262.5137 Gre=) Great Ends of the Church series
Author: Gonzalez, Catherine Gunsalus
Publisher: witherspoon Press, 2003
Vendor: PC(USA) Subscription
Length: 96 pgs
Location: 262.5137 Gon
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9781571530431
Description: Look at the meaning & implication of the first Great End of the Church & an understanding of what the gospel is that is to be proclaimed, and whom this saving action is intended for. Part of a series of six books.
Age Groups: Adult (30-55)

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