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Resource: Book (Bk643) Come to Easter: The Customs of the Lenten and Easter Seasons     
Author: Pat Floyd
Publisher: Abingdon Press/Alban Books, 1999
Length: 24 pages
Heading: CY2 — Lent/Easter
Subjects: Bible; Church Year
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9780687056347
Description: **Taken from the book summary on the back cover and/or preface pages**

In Come to Easter, information about the customs of the Lenten and Easter seasons is presented in a highly graphic, easy-to-access format. Includes explanations of customs and symbols of the seasons and disciplines to observe during Lent. Explains Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Tenebrae, and other days in Holy Week as well as joyful symbols of Easter including the egg, Easter bunny, butterfly, and lily, and special liturgical elements such as Paschal candles.
Age Groups: Tween; Middle School; High School; Young Adult (18-25); Adult (25-55); Adult (55+)

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