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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: Book (BK2MD049) Starting Your Messy Church: A Beginner's Guide for Churches     
Author: Moore, Lucy
Publisher: Bible Reading Fellowship, 2012
Heading: 2-MD — 2 / MD
Subjects: Activities; craft ideas; Grades 1 - 3; GRADES 4 -6
Location: Christian Ed
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9780857460509
Description: If you're wondering about starting a Messy Church, this book is for you. It's short, punchy and easily passed round. It sets out clearly just what you'll need to consider and will also help you avoid some of the pitfalls other teams have encountered on their Messy Church journeys.
Age Groups: None specified.

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