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Resource: Book (821015) Leading Online Small Groups: Embracing the Church's Digital Future     
Author: White, Allen
Publisher: author, 2020
Vendor: Amazon
Length: 166 Pages
Heading: CE — Christian Education
Subjects: Computers/Internet/Social Media; Leadership - Discipleship; Small Group Ministry
Location: Christian Education
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9780999115886
Description: Online groups aren’t new. The author started his first online small group in 1994 on CompuServe with a dial-up modem. While they’re not new, online groups are next. Apart from the technology, there are many commonalities between online small groups and offline small groups, yet they are not exactly the same. With online groups people are not gathered in the same room and in some cases, they’re not even in the same state, province, or country. Online groups are portable - snowbirds can stay connected whether they’re in the North or the South. Online groups break down many limitations - time of day, distance, and travel no longer deter online groups. Whether the group meets by video, audio, or asynchronously (and even occasionally in-person), online groups provide flexibility to both make disciples and engage spiritual seekers. Based on his own experience with online small groups as well as his general experience with small groups, he guides you through the complexity of online groups and relationship in general. Chapters: Starting your online group; Staying healthy as an online group leader; Planning your first online group meeting; Sharing leadership; Making disciples; Leading your group; Setting online group boundaries; Starting new online groups.
Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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