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Resource: DVD (101108) Absolute Basics of the Wesleyan Way     
Author: Tallon, Phil and Hunter, Justus
Publisher: Seedbed Publishing, 2021
Vendor: Seedbed Publishing
Length: 101 Minutes
Heading: UMC — United Methodist Church
Subjects: Confirmation/New Member--UMC; Sacraments; United Methodist Church; United Methodist History
Location: UMC
# Copies: 6 (1 previous reservation found)
  Copy A: 12/20/2023-4/22/2024
ISBN/ISSN: 9781628247763
Description: This 12-session DVD, packed with dynamic illustrations (by Andrew Chandler) and compelling analogies, explores the key elements of the Wesleyan movement. Sessions: 1) What was the young Wesley like?; 2) What happened at Aldersgate?; 3) What was Wesley like after Aldersgate?; 4) What did John Wesley do?; 5) What is the goal of the Christian life?; 6) What is repentance?; 7) What is justification and new birth?; 8) What is sanctification?; 9) What is entire sanctification?; 10) What are sacraments?; 11) What are Classes and Bands?; 12) What happened after Wesley? DVD segments are 7-9 minutes long. Includes sample book. CLOSED CAPTIONED.
Age Groups: Middle School; High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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