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Resource: Book (821008) What New Creation? The Agony of Church Restructure     
Author: Mickey, Paul and Wilson, Robert
Publisher: Abingdon Press, 1977
Vendor: Amazon
Length: 192 Pages
Heading: UMC — United Methodist Church
Subjects: Leadership - General; United Methodist History
Location: UMC
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9780687448500
Description: Published in 1977, this book explores the restructuring of five major denominations: The American Baptist Churches, The Episcopal Church, the Presbyterian Church in the U. S., the United Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A., and The United Methodist Church. The major emphasis is on the restructuring of the national church agencies – why it occurred, how it was accomplished, what the immediate results have been, and what the implications are for the (then) future. Written after (and during) a period of great social change (racism, violence, questioning of gender roles), decreasing membership, and an uncertain future, the insights shared are more appropriate to our times than one might initially believe. Chapters: The institutional crisis; The theological crisis of belief; The theological crisis of program; Becoming a bureaucrat; The view of and from the national office; Fiscal fiascoes; How restructure was accomplished; What the church is doing in bureaucracy; The shape of things to come; A theological perspective on restructure; Creation out of chaos.
Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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