East Ohio Conference
East Ohio Conference



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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: DVD (SPICHI) Spirituality, Self, & Society     
Author: Chittister, Joan
Publisher: D.L. Dykes Foundation, 2017
Vendor: D.L. Dykes, Jr. Foundation
Length: 5 sessions
Heading: PSG — Personal Spiritual Growth
Subjects: Personal Growth; Religions Of The World; Spiritual formation
Location: PSG
# Copies: 1
Description: Sister Joan Chittister, a member of the Order of Saint Benedictine Sisters of Erie, PA, has been a highly influential religious and social leader and an advocate for peace, women’s rights, human rights, and church renewal for over 40 years.
She is a best-selling author with over 50 published books and has appeared on notable productions like “60 Minutes,” “CBS News,” “Weekend Edition Sunday” on NPR, “On Being” with Krista Tippett and “Super Soul Sunday” with Oprah Winfrey.
“Spirituality, Self, and Society” 2 disc DVD set addresses the challenges of living a purposeful life defined by compassion and care for the other. In that spirit of unity, Chittister invites an interfaith panel of responders to join her in broadening the conversation.
We have asked faith leaders from the Houston area in Christian, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism to join this presentation to determine in what ways our own traditions answer these questions of Spirituality, Self and Society,” said Chittister.
The responders are Carissa Baldwin-McGinnis, associate rector at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Heba Khan, assistant editor at the Journal of Feminist Economics at Rice University, Claire Villarreal, programs manager at the Dawn Mountain Center for Tibetan Buddhism, and Melissa Weininger, Anna Smith Fine senior lecturer in Jewish Studies at Rice University.
Disc One:
“Compassion: The Glue of Society” (1:07:45)
“An Uncommon Search for a Common Good” (1:13:20)
Disc Two:
Responses by Interfaith Panel (47:10)
“The Role of the Public Intellectual in a Just Society” (1:01:55)
Responses by Interfaith Panel & Sr. Joan Chittister (31:10)
5 sessions, approx. hour each
Materials: DVD (2)
Links:An Uncommon Search for the Common Good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1vbY7nBM2A
Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-65); Adult (65+)

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