East Ohio Conference
East Ohio Conference



Media Center Catalog

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Resource: Series - titles only (SERTRUU=) TrueU     
Subjects: Bible Study; Bible, Study And Teaching; Creation; Faith; God; Jesus Christ; Religion Western-Theology; Science; Young Adults; Youth Ministry
Location: YMI
Description: *This is the series title, not an actual study. Please choose one of the 3 parts of the series:
TRU=01: Does God Exist?
TRU=02: Is the Bible Reliable?
TRU=03: Who is Jesus?
Why are so many Christian teens walking away from their faith during the college years? Focus on the Family's TrueU video curriculum offers an introduction to apologetics (a defense of belief in God) that aims to help reverse this trend. Featuring Christian worldview experts like Dr. Del Tackett, Dr. Stephen Meyer, Lee Strobel, Dr. Gary Habermas, and more - the series equips students to stand up for their beliefs in the face of a culture that tells them their faith is absurd, obsolete, and impractical.
TrueU is a valuable resource for youth groups, college campus clubs, Sunday School classes, home-based small groups, homeschools, and individuals who want to strengthen their faith. The series consists of three sets of videos and study guides: 01: Does God Exist?", 02: Is the Bible Reliable?, and 03: Who is Jesus?.
TrueU is a precursor to the in-depth study presented in Focus on the Family's The Truth Project of how to live out a Christian worldview. Those who are interested in TrueU may also enjoy joining a The Truth Project small group. Learn more at TheTruthProject.org.
Age Groups: High School; Young Adult

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