East Ohio Conference
East Ohio Conference



Media Center Catalog

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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: DVD (GoGTN) Good God Theater 2: Act 2: New Testament     
Author: Ted & Company
Publisher: Abingdon, 2008
Vendor: ChristianBook.com
Length: 16 sessions
Heading: YMI-BST — Youth Ministries / Bible Study
Subjects: Bible, New Testament; Humor; Youth Ministry
Location: YMI
# Copies: 3
Description: Ted & Company provide great viewing and discussion for youth, adult or intergenerational groups, especially of youth and adults together.

Building on the famous Ted & Lee production of Fish Eyes, Ted Swartz has written additional material that bring to life stories from the Gospels and from the rest of the New Testament.
Actors Ted Swartz, Curt Cloninger, Ingrid De Sanctis, Jason Hildebrand, Trent Wagler, Robin McNallie, Pete Vandersluis, and Michael Stauffer, plus musicians Brad Yoder and Jeff Raught show their passion for the gospel and the peace and justice of the Kingdom.

Gabriel's Announcement, Temptation, The Call, Feeding 5000, Sermon on the Mount, Don't Tell Anyone, Last Supper, Arrest and Denial, Breakfast on the Beach, Pentecost, Larry the Lame Guy, Peter's Vision, Philip and the Ethiopian, Jerusalem Council, Paul in Prison, Don't Be Afraid

Materials: DVD
Study Guide inside case
Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-65); Adult (65+)

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Data updated 1/23/2023 12:02:19 PM.

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