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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: DVD (4259) Acts, Part One:Chapters 1-13; Acts, Part Two:Chapters 13-28     
Publisher: Internationa Bible Society/Pathways Media, 2004
Vendor: Ecufilm
Length: 183 mins
Subjects: Acts; Bible New Testament
Location: DVD-Bible New Testament
# Copies: 1
Description: This powerful, educational and entertaining film takes word for word the text from the Book of Acts from the New International Version translation. Appealing to all ages and filmed on location in Tunisia, Morocco, and South Africa, this multi-million-dollar production of Acts features a cast of thousands, historically correct costumes, and award-winning directing. Includes English subtitles, search by event or chapter, and biographies of key personalities in Acts. This DVD features searches by event or chapter so that individuals and groups can study all or portions of Acts. It does NOT come with a leader's guide; groups may want to follow along in their Bibles and make notes of questions or personal observations to discuss after viewing segments. Two DVDs for a total running time of 183 minutes. Suggested settings; Sunday School, small groups, evening programming, church video libraries.
Age Groups: Middle School; High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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